Curriculum Vitae
Young Hee Ko, M.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Research as a Master of Science Student (Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa): Contribution to cholesterol metabolism and nutrition, i.e., cholesterol reduction methods in food.
Research as a Pre-Doctoral Student (Washington State University, Pullman, Washington): Contribution to fundamental understanding of an enzyme (Isocitrate Lyase) function led to potential therapeutic options for bacterial and parasitic infections.
Research as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland):
- Contribution to molecular understanding of the genetic disease, Cystic Fibrosis and potential therapeutics for protein mis-folding diseases. - Contribution to mitochondrial membrane protein bioenergetics: Discovery and purification of a membrane protein called “ATP Synthasome” from mammalian mitochondria. This is the enzyme that provides the energy necessary to fuel numerous metabolic and physiological processes and is an important target for cancer therapy. -
Research as an Assistant Professor (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland): Discovery of a small molecule, called 3-bromopyruvate (3BP) as a potent and selective anticancer agent.
Independent Research and Global Collaborations (Germany, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Korea): Translational research by taking a bench side discovery to bedside therapy. Proof of principle was met for 3BP as an effective anticancer agent. In addition, other independent research includes investigating some metabolites, proteins/peptides, and compounds from natural sources for treating other dysfunctional conditions.
Peer-Reviewed Original Research Articles
Conder, M.J., Ko, Y.H., and McFadden, B.A. “Purification of Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli and Watermelon Using Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography” Prep. Biochem. 18, 431-442 (1988).
Ko, Y.H., Vanni, P., and McFadden, B.A. “The Interaction of 3-Phosphoglycerate and other Substrate Analogs with Glyoxylate and Succinate Binding Sites of Isocitrate Lyase” Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 274, 155-160 (1989).
Ko, Y.H. and. McFadden, B.A. “The Inhibition of Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli by Glyoxylate” Curr. Microbiol. 21, 313-315 (1990).
Ko, Y.H. and McFadden, B.A. “Alkylation of Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli by 3-Bromopyruvate” Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 278, 373-380 (1990).4
Abeysinghe, S.I.B., Baker, P.J., Rice, D.W., Rodgers, H.F., Stillman, T.J., Ko*, Y.H., McFadden, B.A., and Nimmo, H.G. “Use of Chemical Modification in the Crystallization of Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli” J. Mol. Biol. 220, 13-16 (1991). [* Initiated the project]
Ko, Y.H., Vanni, P., Munske, G.R., and McFadden, B.A. “Substrate-Decreased Modification by Diethylpyrocarbonate of Two Histidines in Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli” Biochemistry 30, 7451-7456 (1991).
Ko, Y.H., Cremo, C.R., and McFadden, B.A. “Vanadate-Dependent Photomodification of Serine 319 and 321 in the Active Site of Isocitrate Lyase from Escherichia coli” J. Biol. Chem. 267, 91-95 (1992).
Thomas, P.J., Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “Altered Protein Folding May be the Molecular Basis for Most Cases of Cystic Fibrosis” FEBS Lett. 312, 7-9 (1992).
Ko, Y.H., Thomas, P.J., Delannoy, M.R., and Pedersen, P.L. “The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: Overexpression, Purification, and Characterization of Wild Type and F508 Mutant Forms of the First Nucleotide Binding Fold in Fusion with the Maltose Binding Protein” J. Biol. Chem. 268, 24330-24338 (1993).
Ko, Y.H., Thomas, P.J., and Pedersen, P.L. “The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: Nucleotide Binding to a Synthetic Peptide Segment from the Second Predicted Nucleotide Binding Fold” J. Biol. Chem. 269, 14584-14588 (1994).
Ko, Y.H. and Pedersen, P.L. “The First Nucleotide Binding Fold of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Can Function as an Active ATPase” J. Biol. Chem. 270, 22093-22096 (1995).
Ko, Y.H., Delannoy, M.R., and Pedersen, P.L. “The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: The First Nucleotide Binding Fold Targets the Membrane with Retention of Its ATP Binding Function” Biochemistry 36, 5053-5064 (1997).
Ko, Y.H., Delannoy, M.R., and Pedersen, P.L. “Cystic Fibrosis, Lung Infections, and a Human Tracheal Antimicrobial Peptide (hTAP)” FEBS LETT. 405, 200-208 (1997).
Ko, Y.H., Bianchet, M., Amzel, L.M., and Pedersen, P.L. “Novel Insights into the Chemical Mechanism of ATP Synthase: Evidence that in the Transition State the -Phosphate of ATP Is near the Conserved Alanine within the P-Loop of the -Subunit” J. Biol. Chem. 272, 18875-18881 (1997).
Inoue, C.N., Ko, Y.H., Guggino, W.B., Forster, H.G., and Epstein, M. “Lysophosphatidic Acid and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Synergistically Stimulate Growth of Cultured Rat Mesangial Cells” Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 216, 370-379 (1997).
Bianchet, M., Ko*, Y.H., Amzel, L.M., and Pedersen, P.L. “Modeling of Nucleotide Binding Domains of ABC Transporter Proteins Based on a F1-ATPase/recA Topology: Structural Model of the Nucleotide Binding Domains of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR)” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 29, 503-524 (1997). [* Initiated the project]
Pan, W., Ko, Y.H., Description and Novel Insights into the Nature of Its Association with the F1-Moiety” Biochemistry 37, 6911-6923 (1998).
Hrycyna, C.A., Ramachandra, M., Ambudkar, S.V., Ko*, Y.H., Pedersen, P.L., Pastan, I., and Gottesman, M.M. “Mechanism of Action of Human P-Glycoprotein ATPase Activity: Photochemical Cleavage during a Catalytic Transition State Using Orthovanadate Reveals Cross-Talk between the two ATP Sites” J. Biol. Chem. 273, 16631-16634 (1998). [* Initiated the project]
Massiah, M.A., Ko*, Y.H., Pedersen, P.L., and Mildvan, A.S. “Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: Solution Structures of Peptides Based on the Phe 508 Region, the Most Common Site of Disease-CMutation” Biochemistry 38, 7453-7461 (1999). [*Initiated the project]
Ko, Y.H., Hong, S., and Pedersen, P.L. “Chemical Mechanism of ATP Synthase: Magnesium Plays a Pivotal Role in Formation of the Transition State where ATP Is Synthesized from ADP and Inorganic Phosphate” J. Biol. Chem. 274, 28853-28856 (1999).
Ko, Y.H., Hullihen, J., Hong, S., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial F0F1 ATP Synthase: Subunit Regions on the F1 Motor Shielded by F0 Functional Significance, and Evidence for an Involvement of the Unique F0 Subunit F6” J. Biol. Chem. 275, 32931-32939 (2000).
Ko, Y.H., Pedersen, P.L., and Geschwind, J.F. “Glucose Catabolism in the Rabbit VX2 Tumor Model for Liver Cancer: Characterization and Targeting Hexokinase” Cancer Lett. 173, 83-91 (2001).
Hong, S., Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “Rotary Catalysis within ATP Synthases: A Bioinformatic Approach Provides Novel Insight into how Large pH-Dependent Movements of the C-Terminal Helix of Subunit c May Be Accommodated” Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 394 (2), 275-279 (2001).
Blum, D.J., Ko*, Y.H., Hong, S., Rini, D.A., and Pedersen, P.L. “ATP Synthase Motor Components: Proposal and Animation of Two Dynamic Models for Stator Function” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 287 (4), 801-807 (2001). [* Initiated the project]
Ko, Y.H., Pan, W., Inoue, C.N., and Pedersen, P.L. “Signal Transduction to Mitochondrial ATP Synthase: Evidence that PDGF--Subunit Occurs in Several Cell Lines, Involves Tyrosine Phsophorylation, and Is Modulated by Lysophosphatidic Acid” Mitochondrion 1, 339-348 (2002).
Pedersen, P.L., Mathupala, S., Rempel, A., Geschwind, J.F., and Ko, Y.H. “Mitochondrial Bound Type II Hexokinase: A Key Player in the Growth and Survival of Many Cancers and an Ideal Prospect for Therapeutic Intervention” Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1555, 14-20 (2002).
Geschwind, J.F., Ko*, Y.H., Torbenson, M.S., Magee, C., and Pedersen, P.L. “Novel Therapy for Liver Cancer: Direct Intraarterial Injection of a Potent Inhibitor of ATP Production” Cancer Res. 62, 3909-3913 (2002).[* Contributed equally to the work]
Annereau, J.P., Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: The NBF1+R (Nucleotide-Binding Fold 1 and Regulatory Domain) Segment Acting alone Catalyzes a Co++/Mn++/Mg++ ATPase Activity Markedly Inhibited by both Cd++ and the Transition State Analog Orthovanadate” Biochem. J. 371, 451-462 (2003).
Ko, Y.H., Delannoy, M., Hullihen, J., Chiu, W., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthasome: Cristae Enriched Membranes and a Multiwell Detergent Screening Assay Yield Dispersed Single Complexes Containing the ATP Synthase and Carriers for Pi and ADP/ATP ” J. Biol. Chem. 278, 12305-12309 (2003).
Chen, C., Ko, Y.H., Delannoy, M., Ludtke, S.J., Chiu, W., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthasome: Three Dimensional Structure by Electron Microscopy of the ATP Synthase in Complex Formation with Carriers for Pi and ADP/ATP” J. Biol. Chem. 279, 31761-31768 (2004).
Ardehali, H., Chen, Z., Ko, Y., Mejia-Alvarez, R., and Marban, E. “Multiprotein Complex Containing Succinate Dehydrogenase Confers Mitochondrial ATP-Sensitive K+ Channel Activity” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 101, 11880-11885 (2004).
Ko, Y.H., Smith, B.L., Wang, Y., Pompers, M.G., Rini, D.A., Torbenson, S.M., Hullihen, J., and Pedersen, P.L. “ Advanced Cancers: Eradication in All Cases Using 3-Bromopyruvate Therapy to Deplete ATP” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 324, 269-275 (2004).
Chen, C., Saxena, A.K., Simcoke, W.N., Garboczi, D.N., Pedersen, P.L., and Ko*, Y.H. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthase: Crystal Structure of the Catalytic F1 Unit in a Vanadate-Induced Transition-Like State and Implications for Mechanism” J. Biol. Chem. 281, 13777-13783 (2006). [*Corresponding Author]
Arrell, D.K., Elliott, S.T., Kane, L.A., Guo, Y., Ko, Y.H., Pedersen, P.L., Robinson, J., Murata, M., Murphy, A.M., Marban, E., and Van Eyk, J.E. “Proteomic Analysis of Pharmacological Preconditioning. Novel Protein Targets Converge to Mitochondrial Metabolism Pathways” Circ. Res. 29, 663-665 (2006).
Ying-bei Chen, Miguel A. Aon, Yi-Te Hsu, Lucian Soane, Xinchen Teng, J. Michael McCaffery, Wen-Chih Cheng, Bing Qi, Hongmei Li, Kambiz N. Alavian, Margaret Dayhoff-Brannigan, Shifa Zou, Fernando J. Pineda, Brian O’Rourke, Young H. Ko, Peter L. Pedersen, Leonard K. Kaczmarek, Elizabeth A. Jonas and J. Marie Hardwick “Bcl-xL Regulates Mitochondrial Energetics by Stabilizing the Inner Membrane Potential.” J. Cell Biol. 195 (2), 263-276 (2011).
Blum, D.J., Ko*, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Catalytic Mechanism: A Novel Visual Comparative Structural Approach Emphasizes Pivotal Roles for Mg2+ and P-Loop Residues in making ATP” Biochemistry, 51(7):1532-1546 (2012). [*Directed the Research]
Ko, Y.H., Verhoeven, H.A., Lee, M.J., Corbin, D.J., Vogl,T.J., and Pedersen, P.L. “A Translational Study "Case Report" on the Small Molecule "Energy Blocker" 3-Bromopyruvate (3BP) as a Potent Anticancer Agent: From Bench Side to Bedside” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 44(1):163-170 (2012).
Paweł Lis , Marek Zarzycki , Young H. Ko , Margarida Casal , Peter L. Pedersen , Andre Goffeau and Stanisław Ułaszewski “Transport and cytotoxicity of the anticancer drug 3-bromopyruvate in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 44(1):155-161 (2012).
Odília Queirós, Ana Preto, António Pacheco, Céline Pinheiro, João Azevedo-Silva, Roxana Moreira, Madalena Pedro, Young H. Ko, Peter Pedersen, Fátima Baltazar, and Margarida Casal “Butyrate activates the monocarboxylate transporter MCT4 expression in breast cancer cells and enhances the antitumor activity of 3-bromopyruvate” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 44(1):141-153 (2012).
Mariusz Dyląg, Paweł Lis, Katarzyna Niedźwiecka, Young Ko, Peter Pedersen, Andre Goffeau, Stanisław Ułaszewski “3-Bromopyruvate: A novel antifungal agent against the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans" Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 434(2):322-327. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.02.125. Epub 2013 Mar 26 (2013).
Majkowska-Skrobek G, Augustyniak D, Lis P, Bartkowiak A, Gonchar M, Ko YH, Pedersen PL, Goffeau A, Ułaszewski S. “Killing multiple myeloma cells with the small molecule 3-bromopyruvate: implications for therapy” Anticancer Drugs. 25(6):673-682. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0000000000000094. [Epub ahead of print] Feb 19 (2014).
Sadowska-Bartosz I, Soszyoski M, Ułaszewski S, Ko Y, Bartosz G. “Transport of 3-bromopyruvate across the human erythrocyte membrane” Cell Mol. Biol. Lett. 19(2):201-214. doi: 10.2478/s11658-014-0189-1. [Epub ahead of print] Apr 9 (2014).
Azevedo-Silva J, Queirós O, Ribeiro A, Baltazar F, Young KH, Pedersen PL, Preto A, Casal M. “The cytotoxicity of 3-bromopyruvate in breast cancer cells depends on extracellular pH” Biochem J. 467(2):247-58. doi: 10.1042/BJ20140921. (2015)
Paweł Lis, Paweł Jurkiewicz, Magdalena Cal – Bąkowska, Young H. Ko, Peter L. Pedersen, Andre Goffeau, Stanisław Ułaszewski. “Screening the yeast genome for energetic metabolism pathways involved in a phenotypic response to the anti-cancer agent 3-bromopyruvate” Oncotarget, March 1, 7(9):10153-73. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7174 (2016)
Katarzyna Niedźwiecka, Mariusz Dyląg, Daria Augustyniak, Grażyna Majkowska-Skrobek, Magdalena Cal - Bąkowska, Young H. Ko, Peter L. Pedersen, Andre Goffeau, Stanisław Ułaszewski. “Glutathione may have implications in the design of 3-bromopyruvate treatment protocols for both fungal and algal infections as well as multiple myeloma” Oncotarget, In Press (2016), 2016 Aug 25, doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11592, [Epub ahead of print]
Azevedo-Silva J., Ko Y. H., Pedersen P.L., Preto A., Casal M. “3-bromopyruvate anticancer agent disrupts cytoskeleton in breast cancer cells” In Review (2016)
Ko, Y.H., Blum, D., Chen, C., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthasome: Discoveries of VDAC Therein and the H+/Pi Carrier as a Site of Action for Oligomycin and 3-Bromopyruvate, both Potent Anticancer Agents” Preparation is complete and to be submitted. (2016).
Lee, M.J., Jun, S. Lee, H.S., Kim, M.A., Chung, J.W., Torbenson, M.S., Tao, J., Ko*, Y.H., and Pedersen. P.L. “Effective Treatment of Advanced Liver Cancer: The small molecule 3–Bromopyruvate Selectively Depletes ATP by Inhibiting both the “Warburg Effect” and Mitochondrial Function” (2016). Preparation is complete and to be submitted. [*Directed the Research]
Tao, J., Ko*, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. Release of MBD2 and DNMT1 from the Hexokinase 2 Promoter Activates Gene Expression in Cancer Cells (2016). Preparation is complete and to be submitted. [*Directed the Research]
Ko, Y.H., Chen, C., Blum, D., Ludtke, S.J., Chiu, W., and Pedersen, P.L. “Mitochondrial ATP Synthasome Super Complex: Three Dimensional Structure by Cryo Electron Microscopy of the ATP Synthase in Complex Formation with Carriers for Pi, ADP/ATP, and VDAC” (2016). To be submitted.
Review Articles
Ko, Y.H. and Pedersen, P.L. “Frontiers in Research on Cystic Fibrosis: Understanding its Molecular and Chemical Basis and Relationship to the Pathogenesis of the Disease” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 29, 417-427 (1997). [Review Article]
Pedersen, P.L., Ko, Y.H., and Hong, S. “ATP Synthase in the Year 2000: Evolving Views about the Structures of These Remarkable Enzyme Complexes” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 32, 325-332 (2000). [Review Article]
Pedersen, L., Ko, Y.H., and Hong, S. “ATP Synthase in the Year 2000: Defining the Different Levels of Mechanism and Getting a Grip on Each” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 32, 423-432 (2000). [Review Article]
Ko, Y.H. and Pedersen, P.L. “Cystic Fibrosis: A Brief Look at Some Highlights of a Decade of Research Focused on Elucidating and Correcting the Molecular Basis of the Disease” J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 33, 513-521 (2001). [Review Article]
Mathupala, S.P., Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “Hexokinase II: Cancer’s Double-Edged Sword Acting as Both Facilitator and Gatekeeper of Malignancy when Bound to Mitochondria” Oncogene 25, 4777-4786 (2006). [Review Article]
Mathupala, S.P. Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. Hexokinase-2 Bound to Mitochondria: Cancer’s Stygian Link to the “Warburg Effect”. Semin.Cancer Biol. 19, 17-34 (2009). [Review Article]
Mathupala, S.P., Ko, Y.H., and Pedersen, P.L. “The Pivotal Roles of Mitochondria in Cancer: Warburg and Beyond and Encouraging Prospects for Effective Therapies” Biochim. Biophys. Acta Bioenergetics, 1797, 1225-1230 (2010). [Review Article]
Pedersen, P.L. and Ko, Y.H. “The Outer Mitochondrial Membrane, a Smooth ‘Coat’ with Many Holes and Many Roles: Preparation, Protein Components, Interactions with Other Membranes, Involvement in Health, Disease, and as a Drug Target”. In: Ralph A Bradshaw and Philip D Stahl (Editors-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Cell Biology (CELB), Vol 1, 237-243. (2015). [Review Article]
Matthew D. Hirschey, Ralph J. DeBerardinis, Anna Mae E. Diehl, Janice E. Drew, Christian Frezza, Michelle F. Green, Lee W. Jones, Young H. Ko, Anne Le, Michael A. Lea, Jason W. Locasale, Valter D. Longo, Costas A. Lyssiotis, Eoin McDonnell, Mahya Mehrmohamadi, Gregory Michelotti, VinayakMuralidhar, Michael P. Murphy, Peter L. Pedersen, Brad Poore, Lizzia Raffaghello, Jeffrey C. Rathmell, Sharanya Sivanand, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Kathryn E. Wellen, Target Validation Team “Deregulated Metabolism Contributes Oncogenesis”. Semin Cancer Biol. Dec;35 Suppl:S129-50. doi: 10.1016 /j.semcancer.2015.10.002. Epub 2015 Oct 8. (2015) [Review Article]
Block KI, Gyllenhaal C, Lowe L, Amedei A, Amin AR, Amin A, Aquilano K, Arbiser J, Arreola A, Arzumanyan A, Ashraf SS, Azmi AS, Benencia F, Bhakta D, Bilsland A, Bishayee A, Blain SW, Block PB, Boosani CS, Carey TE, Carnero A, Carotenuto M, Casey SC, Chakrabarti M, Chaturvedi R, Chen GZ, Chen H, Chen S, Chen YC, Choi BK, Ciriolo MR, Coley HM, Collins AR, Connell M, Crawford S, Curran CS, Dabrosin C, Damia G, Dasgupta S, DeBerardinis RJ, Decker WK, Dhawan P, Diehl AM, Dong JT, Dou QP, Drew JE, Elkord E, El-Rayes B, Feitelson MA, Felsher DW, Ferguson LR, Fimognari C, Firestone GL, Frezza C, Fujii H, Fuster MM, Generali D, Georgakilas AG, Gieseler F, Gilbertson M, Green MF, Grue B, Guha G, Halicka D, Helferich WG, Heneberg P, Hentosh P, Hirschey MD, Hofseth LJ, Holcombe RF, Honoki K, Hsu HY, Huang GS, Jensen LD, Jiang WG, Jones LW, Karpowicz PA, Keith WN, Kerkar SP, Khan GN, Khatami M, Ko YH, Kucuk O, Kulathinal RJ, Kumar NB, Kwon BS, Le A, Lea MA, Lee HY, Lichtor T, Lin LT, Locasale JW, Lokeshwar BL, Longo VD, Lyssiotis CA, MacKenzie KL, Malhotra M, Marino M, Martinez-Chantar ML, Matheu A, Maxwell C, McDonnell E, Meeker AK, Mehrmohamadi M, Mehta K, Michelotti GA, Mohammad RM, Mohammed SI, Morre DJ, Muralidhar V, Muqbil I, Murphy MP, Nagaraju GP, Nahta R, Niccolai E, Nowsheen S, Panis C, Pantano F, Parslow VR, Pawelec G, Pedersen PL, Poore B, Poudyal D, Prakash S, Prince M, Raffaghello L, Rathmell JC, Rathmell WK, Ray SK, Reichrath J, Rezazadeh S, Ribatti D, Ricciardiello L, Robey RB, Rodier F, Rupasinghe HP, Russo GL, Ryan EP, Samadi AK, Sanchez-Garcia I, Sanders AJ, Santini D, Sarkar M, Sasada T, Saxena NK, Shackelford RE, Shantha Kumara HM, Sharma D, Shin DM, Sidransky D, Siegelin MD, Signori E, Singh N, Sivanand S, Sliva D, Smythe C, Spagnuolo C, Stafforini DM, Stagg J, Subbarayan PR, Sundin T, Talib WH, Thompson SK, Tran PT, Ungefroren H, Vander Heiden MG, Venkateswaran V, Vinay DS, Vlachostergios PJ, Wang Z, Wellen KE, Whelan RL, Yang ES, Yang H, Yang X, Yaswen P, Yedjou C, Yin X, Zhu J, Zollo M. "Designing a broad-spectrum integrative approach for cancer prevention and treatment” Semin, Cancer Biol. Dec;35 Suppl:S276-304. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.09.007. (2015) [Review Article]
Azevedo-Silva, J., Queirós, O., Baltazar, F., Ułaszewski, S., Goffeau, A., Ko, Y.H., Pedersen, P.L., Preto, A., and Casal, M. “The anticancer agent 3-Bromopyruvate: from a simple but powerful molecule taken from the lab to the bedside”. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. [Epub ahead of print] (July 25, 2016), [Review Article]
Paweł Lis, Mariusz Dyląg, Katarzyna Niedźwiecka, Young H. Ko, Peter L. Pedersen, Andre Goffeau, Stanisław Ułaszewski “Warburg effect” and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in cancer: Targets for effective therapy with the small molecule alkylating agent 3-bromopyruvate”. In Preparation, Molecules [Review Article]
Book Chapters
Jacobson, M.J. Woltanski, and Ko, Y.H. “Plasma Cholesterol and Clearance of Cholesterol in Low-Density Blood Lipoproteins of Pigs Fed Beef or Soy Proteins” A.S. Leaflet R-418. In: 1986 Beef Cattle Reports, page 111-116. Iowa State University. Agriculture and Home Economics Experimental Station. Cooperative Extension Service. Ames, Iowa, January 1986. [Book Chapter Contribution]
Thomas, P.J., Ko, Y.H., Shenbagamurthi, P., and Pedersen, P.L. “Nucleotide Domains in Transport ATPases: Structure- Function and Relationship to Disease” In: Ion Channels in Genetic Diseases, pp. 17-28 (1995). The Rockefeller University Press. [Book Chapter Contribution]
Ko, Y.H. and Pedersen, P.L. “Overexpression, Purification, and Function of the First Nucleotide Binding Fold of CFTR” In: Methods in Enzymology Vol. 292 Chapter 50 (ABC Transporters: Biochemical, Cellular, and Molecular Aspects), 675-686 (1998). Editors; Ambudkar, S.V. and Gottesman, M.M. [Book Chapter Contribution]