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Holding Hands

Mission and Goal


The fundamental mission of KoDiscovery is to complete the necessary research, including human clinical trials, to make 3-Bromopyruvate (3BP) therapy available for all people with cancer. To further define and differentiate her discovery, Dr. Ko has designated her patented formulation, now over 20 years in development, as KoDiscovery Anticancer Therapeutics, or KAT-3BP. Our broader mission, therefore,  is to support the development of safe and effective treatments for multiple types of cancer, neurological diseases, and other devastating disorders for which no effective therapies are yet known. Ultimately, our mission is to provide relief to those suffering from any health issue, including malnutrition, illness, poverty, lack of basic needs, and other health and human needs that are prevalent around the world.


The goal of KoDiscovery is to become a world leader in the research and delivery of innovative therapies in the field of advanced metabolic and cellular diseases. We will work diligently to ensure that all people with cancer and neurodegenerative diseases have access to the best medical treatments available. 

FDA clinical trial for KAT

During the spring of 2022, KoDiscovery & NewG Lab Pharma prepare for our first clinical trial, having received FDA approval for a phase I/II A study for primary liver cancer.

Our current focus is to expedite evidence & research based cancer therapeutics from bench to bedside.

KOfactor Products

In keeping with our goal to develop effective nutritional support for chronic health issues, 2021 saw the development and manufacture of three new KOfactor® supplements.

These proprietary supplement formulations are researched and developed by Dr. Ko with the same rigor as her pharmaceuticals.

KoDiscovery and NewG Lab Pharma Offices

KoDiscovery is currently working on multiple initiatives

to lead the development of

various anticancer therapeutics.

Our comprehensive approach includes multiple anticancer drug therapeutics, biomarker development, nutritional support, adjunctive treatment with existing therapies & pet cancer treatments.

3BP for Pets

Based on our preliminary work and success with several animal studies, we anticipate developing a regimen and protocols for convenient KAT administration for pets. 

Administering safe, effective and affordable anticancer therapies for pets presents unique challenges. The unique properteries of KAT may provide a strong potential for treating pet cancers. 

Clinical Development

Cancer is a terrible disease that touches us all. We ask that you remember that while Dr. Ko is a passionate and dedicated research scientist, she is not a practicing medical physician. Because of this, she is unable to currently treat patients on an individual basis. By allowing her to focus her efforts, perfect her research, and make KAT-3BP available for all, we will be supporting her goal of successfully treating cancer and bringing this great gift to humanity as quickly as possible.

Subscribe to receive updates from Dr. Ko

The information provided on this website by KoDiscovery, LLC does not constitute a medical recommendation.

It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. 

701 East Pratt Street, Lab 4023, Baltimore, MD  21202

Phone: 410-929-0349

No information from this website can be copied or reproduced without the expressed consent of KoDiscovery

©2025 by KoDiscovery, LLC 

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