News Updates
January 2, 2019 NEWS Update
August 2018 Update Study Summary!
March, 2018
KoDiscovery, LLC in partnership with The University of Maryland announces a New Preclinical Study

Dear Friends,
I am very happy to let you know that I am now working with the University of Maryland on an important preclinical cancer study. It seems that, as always, working through the necessary steps to achieve any worthwhile goal takes so much longer than we want them to take. Even so, I am hopeful that we are now making progress to receive the necessary preclinical data which will lead to the next important step of human clinical trials for 3BP as an effective anticancer therapy.
All of the critical approvals have been received through the University of Maryland, our animals have been purchased for
the study, and we are in process of developing the tumor growth necessary to soon begin treatments with 3BP. A significant part of this study will focus on the potential effectiveness of radiation as a beneficial signaler to enhance the effectiveness of 3BP as an anticancer therapy. As our study moves forward, I will try to provide some brief updates regarding our progress.
I would also very much like to express my deep gratitude to all who have supported this collaboration with the University of Maryland. Because of your faith in me and your compassionate hearts, this important preclinical study is now a reality. It is my hope and dream that we will soon be able to move forward from this study to human clinical trials and then to our final goal of FDA approval to provide 3BP to all of those in need.
Thank you again for your interest and support.
With gratitude,